Uplevelling Realisation.

Right before Reiki found me, (because it really did and it was certainly not the other way around) I had some kind of spiritual awakening and since then I feel far more in tune with the universe.

Recently I was urged to watch some documentaries that led me down the rabbit hole of self discovery and the outcome of this was a realisation that part of my journey is to protect my girls and any other little girls, little boys, young ladies and young men from falling into the trap of becoming victims of abuse.

While it is true that the world has come a long way in recognising what goes on, what needs focus and attention, I can’t help feeling that it’s little girls and little boys we need to work with. While the focus has been cracking down on sex trafficking, pedophilia, grooming etc, my gut tells me the key to unlocking the power to combat it all is reversing low self esteem in young children.

Personally, I speak from experience and say that had I loved and valued myself enough from a younger age I may never have fallen victim to the abuse that I suffered. So as the mother of two young girls I feel it is absolutely imperative that not only are we educating our girls but we are filling them with the belief that they are loved, valued and confident.

Root Cause Analysis is my strength and I believe the key to stopping the vicious cycle is to unlock and build on those beliefs.

Statistically and personally speaking from experience, being abused once, kind of leaves you with a flashing beacon on your head. You are visibly submissive and an easy target so you are more likely to fall victim to the same horrors as before. This pattern is often then echoed in the workplace in adult life whereby you fall victim to preying office bullies.

How can we prevent this?

So I believe my calling is to give kids both male and female a safe relaxed environment, this allows them to open up and share thoughts and emotions. When we talk about “Emotional Maturity” sometimes we fail to recognise that our children are not mature so we need to let them express emotion in ways that they feel comfortable with. Art therapy, sound therapy, dance, talking whatever just let them connect, feel and express in a safe environment.

This allows a child to grow and feel comfortable and confident to speak out and if you feel they have low self esteem you now have a focus and can work with them on it.

What more can we do?

For me it’s about giving children the correct tools from a young age. I am a qualified Reiki Practitioner and a student reflexologist so my girls understand the importance of relaxation. I am also a linguist and speak three languages. I therefore emphasise and reinforce positive language in the home. I encourage creative learning and self belief.

What next?

I have a strong focus which is to encourage balance in the home. If a parent has chronic illness or is suffering from depression that it would be so hard for them to be mindful of positivity and raising their children’s self esteem. I know this because I am a chronic pain sufferer so there is no judgement here I assure you. I want to help the parents cope with pain and stress whilst at the same time build the confidence of the children and help them grow.

This is the future I dream of and this is my focus. Watch this space…

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