The Trauma Teachings.

On 25th January 2024 I qualified as a Paul Mckenna and Mind Valley Certified Hypnotherapist. I first read one of Paul Mckenna’s books back in 2007 whilst living in La Hoya Spain. I was fascinated with this book called “Change Your Life in 7 days”. It really did change my life because after that moment I used Hypnosis recordings most nights before bed and I went on to read and own many more of Paul’s books. Also rather embarrassingly as a young teen I had a huge crush on a boy from school who really only saw me as a friend. At that time I was so ashamed of how I got so flustered around him that I used an old dictaphone and recorded myself stating over and over again why this boy was only a friend and why I did not fancy him or find him attractive. I listened to that recording for over a week and successfully turned off any emotions or feelings of attraction towards him. Little did I know that I was maybe always destined to dip my toe into the world of hypnosis.

When the course was advertised I genuinely was not in a financial position to go ahead with the training and yet somehow it all came together and I was able to fund and complete the training. I have since been treating clients for various issues with Hypnotherapy and in some instances with combination treatments using Reiki as well. I still find it incredible that all those years ago I admired Paul Mckenna and never expected to go on to be one of his students. This is a testament to the power of manifestation and goal setting.

One of my Hypnosis clients gifted me a book called “The Body Keeps the Score” by Bessel Van Der Kolk. I have nearly finished the book now and it is incredible for anyone who has suffered through trauma. This client has a keen interest in mental health and specifically trauma. They recognised my passion, particularly for helping children. We share a belief that prevention is always better than cure and giving children the best possible foundations is paramount to ensuring a happy, healthy life. I thought I was well educated and knew very much about trauma and this book, enlightened me further, with deeper insight and explanation and really encouraged me that I am on the right path and this is my calling.

Very recently my family suffered a huge traumatic loss. As our brains lump trauma together in the same scary box in the mind, this event opened the flood gates for me and brought back emotions and feelings of hurt and sadness that I believed had long been dealt with. I was learning again, how our brain will categorise pain with no regard for time, details no links at all, the only link being utter heartache.

I took myself on a journey of rediscovery, I spent time in my touring caravan, star gazing, wild swimming completely immersed in nature. I went to Skander Vale and worshipped in all the temples for a full day. I went to Glastonbury and spent time in the energies of The Avalon. I went to Llanidloes, the town my family are from, where it always feels like home. I sat at the graves of my relatives and I shared stories of old.

On our way back from Glastonbury my husband wanted to go to an amazement park called “Wake the Tiger” in Bristol. I must admit I wasn’t keen. As someone who has to manage their health and conserve energy and limit mobility this didn’t seem like my cup of tea. My children of course were excited and our friends had already been and recommended it. So we went.

I found it very inclusive for people with different abilities and special requirements. I had assistance from my family when needed and I found it to be a highly spiritual experience. When it was over I had this nagging feeling that I had heard this “Wake the Tiger” name before. I could have sworn it was a book. I mentioned to my husband how the place was beautiful, enchanting, weird and wonderful but that the chakra and rainbow colours and the references to psychedelics had not escaped me. I felt that allowing the imagination to be free like this in a childlike way was therapeutic and a great way to heal trauma.

So I looked it up and low and behold, there is a book called ” Waking the Tiger” by Peter A Levine and it is all about, you guessed it … Healing Trauma. So we know which book I am getting next.

It seems I am being directed by the universe to explore this topic even further. Back when I first dreamed of what my purpose would be for this business, it was about healing pain and suffering. My explorations of the human mind and of my own journey have led me to a clear destination. All the time, love and compassion and expertise I put into my treatments, it is all for adults to live more peacefully. Childhood conditioning and beliefs and traumatic experiences have brought them to a place where they now have to unravel all the emotion, pain, memories, beliefs, imagery and physical symptoms attached to those early experiences. While I hold their hands through this, I will always believe that prevention is better than cure and I will always strive to catch those little ones, so they don’t fall through the net. What we change in the present, has a ripple effect on the past and the future.

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