ART-Always, Realise, Truth.

For ages I had been searching for the perfect eye image for my website. Late last night, while I was browsing in a craft group on Facebook, I came across this fantastic artist named Kelly Umpleby, who had hand drawn an eye in charcoal. The image looks like a photograph it is so realistic. I knew this was the universe sending me what I had asked for. I approached Kelly to request permission to use the image on my website and of course she said yes. I am over the moon with it, which is not an intentional pun but you will notice that the eye appears to hold the reflection of the moon and this is exactly what I had envisaged. Just as Kelly’s perfect artwork was made available to me, what if all you ever dreamed of was right in front of your eyes? What is all you had to do was manifest, use Reiki and believe and then what you wished for appeared right before your eyes? To see more of Kelly’s fantastic art please head over to Instagram where you will find her under ke11_u. The more we support each other the more positivity we attract, so feel free to follow and share her work. I could ramble on forever, but in the case of artist Kelly Umpleby it really is true that a picture is worth a thousand words.

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